Opening the refrigerator and forgetting what to take
Entering the living room and forgetting what to do
I forgot the title of the movie I watched a month ago
Forgot to pick up your phone when going out
Forgetting to lock the door after getting off the car

Are these true portraits of your life?
Don’t ask if I’ve installed a camera next to you
Because Liz has forgotten what she had for lunch yesterday

Memory is a word that often appears in our lives
Memorize and forget English words once
Read and forget the mathematical formulas again
Every stunning scenery wants to be engraved in my mind
Some people always wonder
Why can’t you always remember things when you’re young?
Why does memory decline?
Does poor memory pose a risk of dementia?
Is there any way to improve?
I hope that after reading this article, you
Can remember the answer

Is good or bad memory innate?

Although humans are already aware of the anatomical structures involved in memory, the biological basis of memory remains a mystery. There are currently hundreds of genes known to be related to brain memory, so the quality of memory is related to genetics.

What are the reasons for memory loss?

Age is the biggest risk factor for memory decline

As age increases, there are no new neurons growing in the key brain regions responsible for memory, and the activity of these brain regions also slows down.
If abnormal proteins (plaques and tangles) accumulate inside neurons, dementia can occur.

Excessive stress, anxiety, or depression can lead to a decrease in memory

Excessive stress can cause the brain to overload and lead to a lack of concentration.

Short-term stress can lead to a temporary decline in memory, while long-term stress can increase the risk of dementia.

Depression can make the mind dull, manifested as a decrease in interest, attention, and memory.

sleep deprivation

Sleep is involved in the consolidation of memory, and long-term sleep deprivation will lead to memory decline.

Common diseases among the elderly

For example, hypertension and diabetes can damage memory function. In addition, medication, decreased vision, and hearing can also interfere with brain function, thereby affecting memory ability.


Long-term drinking can damage memory and even cause alcoholic dementia.

Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 helps maintain the normal function of nerve cells. Lack of vitamin B12 in elderly people can lead to decreased memory.

Brain disease

Tumors or intracranial infections can lead to memory disorders or symptoms similar to dementia. Concussions and head trauma can lead to short-term memory impairment and increase the risk of dementia.

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism can both lead to memory loss

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